Career Yak
Do you feel uninspired or stuck in your career, but don't know where to find a new job or lack the drive to succeed where you are? During my high school and collegiate years, I felt a huge lack of awareness as to what career paths were out there, and what would be a good fit for me. This show can help! Through interviews with professionals and entrepreneurs from different work environments, we shed light on the wide variety of jobs and industries out there today. You'll learn valuable career lessons along the way so that you can know where to look for your next opportunity or glean new insights that help you succeed in your current role.
Career Yak
Details on the Costs of Our House Project
Subscriber Episode
Christopher Goodwillie
Check out this episode to dig into the details of how we structured our budget and the actual costs of items like cabinets, appliances, flooring and more during our house project.
If you need help with budgeting for your project, email me at
Get our most downloaded freebie, our project budget template that my wife and I used to track costs in an house renovation.
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Music by Scandinavianz, song Wonderland (instrumental).